Acupuncture is the time tested therapy that has been practiced in the far east for thousands of years. It is now being recognised as the “go to” natural therapy for the modern world.
Acupuncture is one of the longest established forms of healthcare in the world. It originated in China approximately 2,500 years ago is now practiced across the globe
Many people use acupuncture to help with specific symptoms or conditions. Acupuncture is best used as a preventive measure to strengthen our constitution thus supporting ongoing health and energy levels . Used regularly it brings balance and harmony to our daily well-being.
Acupuncture is suitable for all ages, including children and the elderly and can be very effective when integrated with conventional medicine
What can it help with?
Some common conditions treated with acupuncture are:
Headaches and migraines
Joint and muscle pain
Stress and anxiety
Digestive disorders
Autoimmune conditions
Oncology support
Fertility and pregnancy care
Hormonal issues, menopause, menstrual disorders
Check the British Acupuncture Council’s research fact sheets to find out more about acupuncture and specific health conditions.
Supporting Women's Health
Fertility, including “unexplained infertility” and IVF
Pre-conception care
Menstrual pain (dysmenorrhea)
No periods (amenorrhea)
Ovarian cysts
Recurrent miscarriage
What can you expect?
Jo will take your medical history, read your pulses, may examine the site of your symptoms, and look at your tongue. Your individual treatment plan will be based on your state of health and lifestyle. Jo will then decide which combination of points is right for your whole body as well as your symptoms.
Sometimes acupuncture needles are inserted for just a second or two, or you may be left to rest for a while before the needles are removed. The needles are so fine that most people don’t feel them being inserted. It is normal to feel a mild tingle or dull ache as Jo adjusts the needle. Many people feel deeply relaxed during the treatment. Jo will offer to stay in the room whilst the needles are in and sometimes do other treatments if she feels it is appropriate for the situation.
Normally, people will have a course of treatment. Weekly sessions are quite usual to begin with, for perhaps five or six treatments, reducing in frequency as your body responds. Jo will suggest how often you should come for treatment.
During your initial consultation we will need to gain a thorough understanding of your main complaint and your general health and lifestyle. We will ask questions about your current symptoms and your medical history, as well as your sleeping pattern, appetite, digestion, and your emotional wellbeing in order to build up a comprehensive picture of how your body is functioning as a whole
Women will be asked about their menstrual cycle and any past pregnancies and childbirths. After the discussion we may take your pulse on both wrists and examine your tongue. Taking the pulse in Traditional Chinese Medicine differs enormously from Western Medicine as it is a key diagnostic tool which helps give important information about your current state of health.
A physical examination may also be necessary for muscular-skeletal problems and it is common practice to palpate along acupuncture channels for a wide range of ailments. Based on this information we will form a diagnosis and put together your personal treatment plan
It is important to inform us of any medication that you are taking. Patients will not be asked to stop any medication they have been prescribed by their doctor.
What is acupuncture?
For acupuncturists, who use a traditional theory, the focus is on the individual, rather than an isolated complaint. The physical, emotional, and mental aspects of life are seen as interdependent.
Acupuncturists use subtle diagnostic techniques, such taking the pulse and observing the tongue, that have been developed and refined for thousands of years. Treatment involves the insertion of very fine needles into specific points on the body to regulate the flow of ‘qi’ along pathways in the body known as ‘meridians’. Acupuncturists may also use other techniques such as moxibustion, cupping, massage, and gua-sha.
The goal of acupuncture is to restore balance in your mind and your body so you can get back to living life to the full. It’s a very positive model of health and function; the physical, emotional and mental are seen as interdependent and reflect what many people perceive as the connection between the different aspects of their lives.
Acupuncture works to restore the free flow of Qi (vital energy) which may have been blocked by for example, emotional or physical stress, poor nutrition, infection or injury or illness. Ultra-fine, sterile needles are placed into specific acupuncture points on the body and once there, exert their effects to re-establish the free flow of Qi. Once the Qi starts to be rebalanced, the body’s natural healing response is triggered.
Acupuncturists are trained to use subtle diagnostic techniques that have been developed and refined for thousands of years, and continue to be. The focus is on the individual, not the illness, and all the symptoms are seen in relation to each other. Each person is unique so two people with the same western diagnosis may well receive different acupuncture treatments.
Acupuncture is informed and underpinned by the principals of Traditional Chinese Medicine; a scholarly and comprehensive way of thinking about the body in health and illness. It is distinctly different from other types of medicine (for example, western medicine) and this enables a completely different approach to health and wellness. This really is a key strength of acupuncture. Many people come to acupuncture for help with particular symptoms or to relieve specific pains like osteoarthritis of the knee. Some use acupuncture because they feel generally unwell but have no obvious diagnosis. Others choose acupuncture simply to enhance their feeling of wellbeing.
Although some people turn to acupuncture for help with a specific symptom or condition, others choose to have treatment to help maintain good health or simply to improve their general sense of wellbeing. Because acupuncture aims to treat the whole person rather than specific symptoms in isolation, it is all about you and what you need, and this differs from person-to-person.
Facial Acupuncture
Facial cosmetic acupuncture is the latest skin rejuvenation treatment. It is a safe and natural anti ageing treatment that concentrates on points and muscles of the face and benefits elasticity, skin appearance, fine lines and wrinkles.
The facial cosmetic acupuncture treatment also includes points on the body and aims to treat overall general well being.
Facial acupuncture can be used as a natural alternative to Botox, by using specific points around the body and face it nourishes the body and skin rejuvenating the skin by working with the body’s natural restorative process in producing collagen to the areas we are stimulating with the needles.
The Benefits:
Improvement to fine lines and wrinkles
Improvement to elasticity of the skin and general overall appearance
Improvement to age spots and old acne scars
Lift to the face
Eradicate laughter lines around the eyes
Achieve radiant looking skin
A feeling balanced and happy within yourself
Strengthen total wellbeing
Helping in the treatment of acne and other skin conditions
Reducing fine lines and wrinkles
Lifting drooping eyelids
Tightening your pores
Reducing the appearance of bags under your eyes
Moisturising your skin and improving tone
Brightening your eyes
Helping you to look and feel younger
What happens during treatment?
The first part of the treatment is to concentrate on points and muscles of the face in order to improve elasticity of your skin and general overall appearance by stimulating these muscles. Needles will also be inserted into constitutional points on your legs, arms and body, these are the points that will help to balance and harmonise your inner elements.
The second and the main part of the treatment is to address the problems of fine lines and wrinkles. These become evident in most areas of the face as we get older, but can also be caused by excess sun and environmental conditions. In this part of the treatment tiny intradermal needles are used directly into the line or wrinkle; this action creates a very small wound to the face which the body will try to repair by producing collagen and wound healing properties which will fill out the line, and with continued treatment the line or wrinkles should gradually fade.